Last week our agency's Alternate Assessment team hosted a Lunch Box Chat! This chat provided an overview of things our staff should know as we lean into IEP team meetings this fall to determine eligibility and continued eligibility:
- Learn more about how to discuss eligibility, evaluation of data, and how this data impacts the student and their services in special education.
- Less than one percent of all students in Iowa participate in Iowa Alternate Assessments. What data is your team using to consider participating in alt assessment? This session discusses assessing students with limited expressive communication skills, considering other approved measures for screening that is better matched to the individual student characteristics, and other tips our AEA staff might find helpful.
- Do you know what to look for on the F page that might indicate a need for alternate assessment?
Check out the recording from last week's Lunch Box Chat, or reach out to a member of the alt assessment team for more information: Tina Hoffman, Terri Knipper, Danielle Carter, Stephanie Anthony, Sheryl Yates, Natalie Hahn-Mauck, Jamie Beedle-Vakiner, Sarah Kelley, Penny McLaughlin, Kayla Lueth, Heather Evers, and Kyla Sattgast.