Ways to Build Engagement & Access — Use Student Interests

Ways to Build Engagement & Access — Use Student Interests

Ever think about different ways to build engagement in the classroom? It can be hard to feel engaged — the struggle is real for students (and adults!). This can be especially true for students who may have autism or other neurodiverse learning profiles. It might feel a bit like learning doesn’t have a point if it’s not something that feels interesting or meaningful.

Using a student’s high-interest or special interest areas across various academic content can positively impact student engagement and turn that switch ON - so there is more access to learning.

This article from the University of North Carolina’s "TEACCH Autism" program provides a few ideas for parents and teachers on increasing engagement using special interests.

Want more? You can also find the full library of current "TEACCH Tips" available here.

About the Authors

Carrie Hoffmann is an autism consultant at Grant Wood AEA supporting various districts.

Need assistance? Contact Carrie at choffmann@gwaea.org.