Science Made Accessible

PowerKnowledge (grades 3-6) and Core Concepts (grades 7-12) are two science-focused digital resources that will allow you to translate into many different languages. Both have text-to-speech capabilities as well as photographs and videos.

The PowerKnowledge homepage has images and videos to entice students to learn more. Enhance your science lessons with a collection of science fair projects and experiments, and extend student learning with games like Dr. Legbone’s Laboratory.

Core Concepts provides hands-on experiments and activities, as well as interactive timelines. Students can also look closely at the atomic level with the interactive Element Builder.

Dr. Legbone's Laboratory "Help me find the pair of organs that filter waste from the blood."

New and updated features of Core Concepts & PowerKnowledge

  1. Save PDF articles to Google Drive to read and share later
  2. Instant article translation into over 100 languages
  3. Foreign language read-aloud feature allows users to translate article text and listen in 13 languages 
  4. Citation tool allows users to generate article citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago formats

Screenshot of Core Concepts Biology page. Steps needed: 1. Save to Google Drive or Word Document, 2. points at the select language dropdown menu, 3. points to the listen button, 4. Citations in M L A, A P A and Chicago are listed at the bottom