Executive Function for Students: New Student Items in the Media Library

Grant Wood Area Education Agency's media library has added new titles related to ADHD and executive function. These can be checked out in the links below or through our media catalog.

Thriving with ADHD Workbook for Teens : Improve Focus, Get Organized, and Succeed

This resource will help teens understand how their executive functions work to help you organize, plan, react, and more. Everyday tools give simple but effective strategies for approaching everyday things like homework, friends, and sports.

Thriving with A D H D workbook for teens, improve focus get organized and succeed by Allison Tyler
The DBT Skills Workbook for Teens

DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is a form of therapy that helps people find the balance between accepting themselves and changing what they don’t like about themselves. This workbook for teens is a fun, engaging and gamified experience, precisely what keeps today’s distracted teens motivated to do the work.

D B T Skills (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) Workbook for Teens
Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) Interventions

This practical manual provides evidence-based interventions for students who struggle with organization, time management, and planning skills. Included are session instructions, printable forms, strategies for teaching online organization and time management, and multiple intervention adaptations to help students achieve their full academic potential.

Homework, Organization and Planning Skills (H O P S) Intervention Treatment Manual