What makes it a System of Support?
Research and Evidence-Based Professional Learning: NTC’s Professional Learning Series designed for instructional coaches, mentors, and other teacher leadership roles with significant release time.
Kiano: Online data collection system and collaborative tools to support individual and team instructional coaching sessions aligned to several common instructional frameworks.
Program Evaluation: Multiple on-demand report functions for both coaches and district leaders to measure implementation and impact of your TLC program.
• Coaching cycles and time spent with teachers
• Changes in teacher practice, coach practice, and student learning/engagement
TLC Leadership Support: Ongoing implementation support for district TLC leaders.
• NTC Continuum of Instructional Coaching Program and Practice Standards to set goals for ongoing TLC program and coach development
• Recommendations for ongoing in-district instructional coach forums/PLCs to support implementation of the Kiano tools
• Additional learning opportunities for TLC program leaders
What is included in our Membership Fee?
The $1,200 district annual membership fee includes:
• All of the systems and supports listed
• The Kiano online tool system for all TLSS coaches and their assigned roster of teachers
• Professional learning registration free for one district program lead to support TLSS coaches with implementation of processes/tools
Individual TLSS coach registration fees for professional learning sessions are listed for each course.
How do we join?
Email Meg Gillette, mgillette@gwaea.org, to confirm your district’s interest (required) and name of district program lead before registering teacher leaders for professional learning.
New Teacher Center Professional Learning Series Year 1
A highly skilled instructional coach or mentor is key to providing teachers with strong support to advance their instructional practice. In the Professional Learning Series (PLS), participants learn the critical knowledge,skills and tools to initiate and maintain effective coaching relationships with teachers that result in instructional growth. Coaches use multiple data points to support teachers to create and sustain optimal learning environments in which the diverse needs of each learner are addressed with an ever-present attention to equity and continuous academic, social and emotional growth.
All dates 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Sept. 20-21, Nov. 15-16, 2022, Feb. 14-15, 2023 AND Apr. 18-19, 2023
Webinar dates: Oct. 5, Dec. 14, 2022 AND Mar. 8, 2023 (Times TBD)
Register Today, Course Number: 179941
Credits: 3.0 Participant Only: $900; License Renewal Credit: $1,005
New Teacher Center Advanced Topics in Coaching: Language Development and Coaching as Leadership
This course supports instructional coaches in providing the knowledge, skills, and tools to maximize the impact of district and site-based coaches on both teaching practice and student learning, building upon the learning in NTC Instructional Coach Professional Learning Series – Year 1. Participants build upon the critical knowledge, skills, and tools to initiate and maintain effective coaching relationships with teachers that result in instructional growth.
Face-to-Face dates: Oct. 18-19, 2022 AND Mar. 21-22, 2023
All dates: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Webinar dates: Nov. 8, 2022, Jan. 17 AND Apr. 11, 2023
All webinar times: 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Register Today, Course Number: 203375
Credits: 2.0 Participant Only: $550; License Renewal Credit: $620