Only open to 6-12th grade non-CTE teachers and counselors. Interested participants must complete an online application to enroll. Only 60 spots are available!
Teaching for the Workforce is a three-day educational session for 6th -12th grade non-CTE teachers and counselors providing opportunity to experience today’s workplaces while building an understanding of essential concepts for workplace success. The program includes a combination of business tours, presentations, discussions and panels at business sites that will focus on workforce needs specific to the region, and how educational institutions can partner to create a prepared future ready workforce. Participants will explore ways to integrate concepts into the classroom and develop a plan for the 2023-24 school year.
Submissions will be reviewed and selected attendees will represent a variety of districts, roles, content area, grade levels, etc. Selected participants will receive a $350 stipend upon successful completion of the course. Additional registration is required for the one relicensure credit.
Complete the application today at: gwaea.org/teach-workforce23
April 7 - Priority Deadline
April 21 - Selected attendees notified
May 5 - Additional spots filled if needed
Dates: June 12, 13, 14, 2023
All dates: 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
This training will be held off-site at Regional Centers and local businesses.