All Iowa PowerSchool districts are invited to participate in this free virtual PowerSchool Conference!
The focus of this year’s conference is “Exploring PowerSchool Possibilities”. Session presenters will be a combination of Iowa district PowerSchool experts and presenters from Marcia-Brenner Associates. PowerSchool will also facilitate a few sessions. Sessions will be 1-hour in length, catered to PowerSchool administrators, and will follow the following themes for each conference day:
- Monday: Standards Grading, Traditional Grading & Reporting
- Tuesday: System Management, Fees & Tips for PowerSchool
- Wednesday: Scheduling, Counselor & End of Year Topics
- Thursday: Security, Internal Communication & Registration
- Friday: Attendance, Discipline & Parent/Guardian Communication
Prize drawings will occur for the first 50 registered, on each conference day, and a grand prize drawing will occur following the final session. Prizes include but are not limited to PowerSchool “swag” and free customized PowerSchool training opportunities.
PowerSchool User Conference. Registration can be completed for one or all conference days. Session recordings will be available for most sessions for participants who attend the live sessions.
Click here to see a calendar of the event as well as session presenters.
Register Using This Google Form!